"Friendship between a man and a woman is very weak at nightfall". I give you these arts, my dear and

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"Love is the Freedom to be yourself next to a person who accepts you for who you are and who needs nothing from you but yourself"

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A perfect relationship if you are.. fight like husband and wife, chat like best friends, flirt like 16-year-olds and take care of each other like brother and sister.

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"Even though I know that love is a fairy tale , I will still be proud in a few years that I believed in it."

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Run, rush without taking a breath. And then, one day, stop and tell her, looking straight into her eyes: I only need you, honestly. And believe it.

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Even flaws are liked in a loved one, and even virtues are annoying in an unloved one…

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Being loved is more than being rich, because being loved means being happy.

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I want to be the last woman
Final, final
Not chatted, but married,
By the clear light of your abode

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Oh, the one who is with me is restless in his soul
And there is no one to embrace... I know how to love.
I'm deceptively shy.
I am so timidly gentle and always silent.

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for you my dear "We looked into each other's eyes I saw myself,and she saw herself." (Quote by Stanislav Jerzy Lez)

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"I don't understand why you have such power over my nonexistent heart?" (Quote by Colin McCullough from the book "Singing in the Thorn")

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"Just to know that somewhere on this earth there is you will become for me,in my hell,a corner of paradise."

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I made art with famous characters performed by Richard. Thank you ,for the beautifully played characters . (2 part)

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To love is to find your own happiness in the happiness of another.( quotes by Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz)
I made art with Guy Gisborne . for .Thank you for the masterpiece performance of the role of Guy !

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A real man should give way to a woman and not give way to anyone next to her.

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