buckle down sheriff, the night's not over yet

11 61

a very fast and sloppy sketch of baby Travis🤏

34 156

I learned that August 22nd and 23rd were actually the last days they camped at Hackett Quarry. I love Qualley characters! congratulations!

66 174

Ещё скетчи, но на этот раз в дидже. Сидела и думала, а что если оборотни были бы немного дружелюбнее и разумнее. Бедному Трэвису понадобился бы отпуск

15 87

ugh his hair😩

Work on this drawing is going slowly.

0 19

⠀finally drew 's character travis hackett ! <3

this took way too long 😭

1 3

что-то типа скетча с Трэвисом который я успешно забросила

9 109

No fair that the sheriff missed out on the 80's outfits

3 23

For the Eagle Eye Cherrys & avid followers of these daft drawings, you’ll have noticed Father Jack Hackett & Rylan (here 2m impressions on that one, what that means I don’t know) have the exact same body.

0 6

ты хороший мальчик, Трэвис

24 211

happy birthday sheriff thackett sorry about the trauma

2 11

happy birthday to my favourite creepy old man, travis hackett, hope you get all the birthday beers you want today

6 39

And finally, let’s not forget the excellent as Sheriff Hackett 🚨

1 8