140824 RookieStation Ep.4 - took fotos w SMRookies @ SMTOWN (3)

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140824 RookieStation Ep.4 - took fotos w SMRookies @ SMTOWN (2)

8 7

140824 RookieStation Ep.4 - took fotos w SMRookies @ SMTOWN

8 7

[Fan-art] 140710 娛樂百分百 - [IceChoco]

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140629 LOTTE Fan Meeting - HAND TOUCHING [ehlpl]

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140621 Best of best in Taiwan - [Chada.Lee]

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[COMIC] SPOILER!!!! Don't blame me if you don't want see this xDYou are warned!

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[FanArt] Donghae & Eunhyuk (^^)v น่ารักดี (cr: loveiseunhaehyuk)

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[FANART] EUNHAE/HAEHYUK SS5 Flying kiss ~~~ So damn sweet…*_*

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so cute fanart =)))

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fanart HaeHyuk today,so cute :x

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[FANART] @ Airport to SMTownJKT xD~cute <3333333

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[FANART] @ MOA GuangZhou (cr Kyrill何碧珠)

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[FANART] @ MOA GuangZhou (cr Jah_HAE_Y2H藝赫海台灣後援會) sweet ♥~

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[FANART] Illustration for fanfic named "The Annoying Young Master" (cr:z_hard)

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[FANART] [cr掌心*witheunhae] lol

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