Additionally, the Sky Train discovery's design is a direct reference to Galaxy Express 999, another series set in the Captain Harlock universe. I do not know enough about Captain Harlock on if there are more references to the series in the game.

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R.I.P. Leiji Matsumoto A Manga Master Who fuelled the imagination of many including yours truly ;)

14 27

So sad at the passing of the legendary His amazing creations include (#StarBlazers), and with Here are two wonderful tributes from of us and friend . ❤️

3 8

La intención era hacer un Capitán Harlock en honor a Leiji Matsumoto pero ha terminado pareciéndose a Bunbury 😞 En fin, 安らかに眠ってください先生 💔

7 21

Grazie Sensei, grazie di tutto.
Mi piace immaginare che il "mare delle stelle" di Capitan Harlock sarà ora la tua casa
"Un pirata tutto nero che per casa ha solo il ciel, ha cambiato in astronave il suo velier”

8 49

Legendary mangaka creator of numerous masterpieces such as (#Albator) and left for his journey to the sea of stars on 13 February 2023.

"We will meet again, far away, where the wheel of time connects."
He always said.

44 105

El Capitán Harlock, Yamato, Galaxy Express, La princesa de los Mil Años, El Galáctico... Leiji Matsumoto nos ha dejado. Aunque creas que no te suena sus trabajo, en verdad sí lo hace. Con los videos de Daft Punk (donde dirigió) o en Cowboy Bebop, por ej. Su influencia fue ENORME.

4 9

Old piece I did for fun. So long m. Matsumoto.

45 385

oooh no💔
The father of my favorite manga/anime is gone😭
I'm great fan of his work since 1978 especially Captain Harlock❤️
Galaxy Express 999 Cockpit Space Battleship Great Yamato Queen Emeraldas...
RIP Leiji Matsumoto 💔😢
You’ll travel forever through the stars

0 3

Leiji Matsumoto - autore di Galaxy Express 999, Capitan Harlock e numerosi altri titoli - si è spento lo scorso 13 febbraio, all'età di 85 anni, a causa di un'insufficienza cardiaca. Ne è stata data notizia solo in questi giorni.

0 1

morto 😭

sono cresciuto con i suo racconti..... spero che sia lassù nel suo mondo fantastico in compagnia dei suoi personaggi

11 39

Captain Harlock had a fantastic story, I was inspired by it. May Matsumoto Leiji-sensei rest in peace.

1 6

Manga creator Matsumoto Leiji, among the most legendary figures in Japanese media, has passed away at the age of 85. Captain Harlock, Galaxy Express 999, and Queen Emeraldas are just a few of his creations.

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Rest in peace Leiji Matsumoto

drew this some time last year but didn't feel like posting

only within the last few years have I discovered and fell in love his work with Galaxy Express 999 and Captain Harlock, but it's been a wonderful journey going through it all

Thank you💚

3 5

I saw the Maximum Horsepower pitch and I am about to fill out an entire sketchbook of buff Horace Horsecollar and the Captain Harlock Horace designs. You know what how about an entire Multiverse of Horace Horsecollar ⁉️

7 18

J’ai souffert. Néanmoins ça en valait la peine !

Un joyeux anniversaire à Leiji Matsumoto ! 🫡

13 33

Coverage of Arcadia of My Youthー

"Now Harlock the endlessly beautiful sea of stars...with his passionate beliefs in his heart ..."

(The Anime, June 1982)

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