OC-tober day 6: one of my first ever OC's from waaaaay back, like '00-'01 or something. Her name is Rosette and she's a She's in Hufflepuff and loves magical creatures and gardening(/herbology) but her wand skills are lacking to say the least.

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My dark academia OC that wouldn't get out of my head and I can't tell you her story because it's too embarrassing but feel free to guess

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…so I made an oc for the Harry potter universe. First year student Lizz CooperZ

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*Se vuelve a desaparecer por dos semanas*

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Name: Minnie 'Min' Kane
Age: 17
Gender: Female (she/her)
Speciality: Potions and transfiguration
House: Slytherin (Prefect)

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🌠 Camillie Myers 🌠

Una oc que hice, que seria mi selfinsert en el mundo de harry potter ^^

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