In her talk Doris Schattschneider shared the link to the web app "[John H.] Conway's Magic Pen," which allows you to generate various tilings such as this one. She was the mathematical consultant behind it.

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AMO este sticker para whattsap JAJAJAJAJ

descarga los stickers aqui:

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Hattswell and Purcy originak character artwork. I got bored so I drew my boys.

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Hattswell and Purcy Original Character artwork.

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te presento estos dos dibujos que no son mios, son de dos amigas y como yo roleo a kristof en roles de whattsapp ellas le hicieron dibujitos y les dije que te los enviaria para ver como reaccionas, ellas piensan que el pjs es mio pero yo les aclaro que es tuyo y eso

1 20

OHH THATTS CUTE!! I have like.. 2 layton ponies myself

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