In memory of : Natan (Nusen) Szpigel (1892 Lodz–1942 Treblinka), a Jewish painter. Spigel was a key member of the influential Expressionist group Jung Idysz. Natan was murdered in Treblinka in 1942, and only about 20 of his works survived the Shoah-Holocaust.

Jewish Boy :'(

3 10

"Certain parts will make you cringe, others will make you wanna tear your hair out, and others will make you laugh out loud. It’s an excellent graphic novel, with a very different take on a Jewish American family’s connection to the Holocaust." on CHASING ECHOES

5 9

A Jewish Gass,💔💙

Natan (Nusen) Szpigel (1892 Lodz–1942 Treblinka), a Jewish painter born in Lodz. Spigel was a key member of the influential Expressionist group Jung Idysz. Natan was murdered in Treblinka in 1942, and only about 20 of his works survived the Shoah-Holocaust.

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The Herzfeld family in Przemysl, Galicia -1921- from left Aron ; Moische ; the mother Dwojra ; Eliasz; Malvina and Markus . Absent from the picture are Izak and the father Salomon. Aron and Eliasz were the only members of the family to survive the Holocaust.

In Memory !

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...the Hutu had called the Tutsi tribe "cockroaches", and this has led to the genocide of almost 1 million Tutsis. In Nazi Germany, Jews were called "mice", and eventually almost 6 million Jews were murdered during the Holocaust...

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25 of my direct ancestors lived in Europe before the Holocaust. 16 were killed, 9 survived concentration camps. IBM, a US tech firm, helped the nazis kill/detain them.

is helping run ICE, its camps and raids.

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Macabro Docs: Deodato Holocaust. Dirección y guión: Felipe M. Guerra. Brasil | 71 min | 2019

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’s statement was clumsy & historically questionable.

But the ‘calming feeling’ she referred to had to do with her sense that Palestinians tried to create a safe haven for Jews after the Holocaust.

Don’t try to twist this into something hateful; you’ve done enough.

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So Stonetoss is denying the holocaust...what the fuck even

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Heute ist Internationaler Tag des Gedenkens an die Opfer des Der Expressionist überlebte die im englischen Exil. Dort schuf er diesen Zyklus von Zeichnungen.

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Holocaust Memorial Day talk at the this Thursday. Following the theme of ‘Torn from Home’, Dr Boaz Cohen will discuss testimonies from child survivors of the Holocaust. Read More here:

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Rwanda and Armenia genocides, Nazi the world turning a blind eye again to another man-made tragedy, this time in

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When the person you follow for cute anime pics starts denying the holocaust.

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On this day, in remembrance of the victims of holocaust. My painting Auschwitz-Birkenau at the

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There were German run concentration camps in Africa before the Jewish Holocaust. Death Island, Namibia

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