My 4th encounter was a Hawlucha in Pokémon X. I was looking for Houndour before Geosenge Town and found it by pure happenstance. This time I made sure to not let it go, and caught it, making it the 2nd shiny I ever caught.

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Strawberry Milk Houndour, his horns are starting to come in :O

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I joined an ARPG group on DA called PokeTrails! Ended up claiming the Region Type for Houndour and Houndoom and LOVED how they came out! :)

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Design some Pokemon Plush Concept Art for reference. This was actually a lot of fun! First one is Houndour!

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228 - Houndour
Type: Dark / Fire

Abilities: Early-bird, Flash-fire, Unnerve

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as well as some alts to some characters !
Akira w/o the scribbles, Houndour andd Houndoom together, Kid and Lord Death together, and shiny Giratina

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Grim, Houndoom, Houndour, Jack and Zero

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228 - Houndour
Type: Dark / Fire

Abilities: Early-bird, Flash-fire, Unnerve

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Pokés fora da região: Bidoof, Beedrill, Joltik, Milotic, Wailord, Metagross, Jynx, Golurk, Woobat, Aipom, Toucannon, Furfrou, Minior, Lugia e Ho-Oh.

Pokés que estão: Garchomp, Teddiursa, Komala, Rotom, Goodra, Sunflora, Misdreavus, Murkrow, Dunsparce, Skwovet, Houndour, Weezing

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If I could have a pet Pokémon, I would love a Houndour. He would be a very good boi 😩

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This Houndour likes to act as if he is tough, but he enjoys belly rubs the most... + Luxury ball

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Justo. Tenta adicionar uns detalhes nas costas então, tipo os ossinhos do houndour, só pra não ficar vazio

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228 - Houndour
Type: Dark / Fire

Abilities: Early-bird, Flash-fire, Unnerve

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I'll Fight the houndour I AIN'T SCARED OF A PUPPY!!!!

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Alternate option, Houndour or Houndoom as a guard dog.

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