[FANART] Happy Halloween Day 🦇👻 cr.tutu_lay

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"I miss you"
A story by uchuch♡

Hun orange misses his gege so he told suho to put him in a box w/ lots of oranges&send it to Yixing

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Jealous hunhun wants to be yixing's forever favorite orange😂

fanart by kiHaru__ ♡

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Kabedon fanart by uchuch~♡

《Complete ver♡》

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哈哈,发晚了,520=我爱你=I love you❤️

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[FANART] Sleep well 💫 cr.hotcooookie

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Flower boys🌸♥🌸♥

fanart by sehunnie_bunny

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[FANART] sweet dream 🌟 cr.tutu_lay

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So fluffy in pink and blue~♡

fanart by tutu_lay兔兔

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Kindergarten ~♡

Fanart by kiHaru__

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Happy white day from and carrots ㅋㅋ ♡

《Fanart by kiHaru__》

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white day fanart by kiHaru__ ♡

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📹 170212 @ cr.dlthfk1102 I'll be the Lucky One 🎶

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