This is my beautiful Life

3 16

Yimeng Yu () extends the traditional boundaries of fashion through technology.

9 35

20221126 Daimeng Xiaohongshu update

Blonde hair, princess gown and jeans
Wearing sneakers with my princess gown
I'm the coolest girl on the street

2 10

ehhh bantuin rui isi link ini dong, pake foto atau video meme, nanti rui review makasii,
art by bang oejan

8 18

(ekspresi rui saat melihat ketidakwajaran)
Gws kalian semua! 🐱

Art by : mazmuz

2 21

Se non scali la montagna, non potrai avere una visione chiara della pianura.

- Proverbio cinese -

🎨 Zhang Daqian

Paesaggio dopo Wang Ximeng

20 31

Tr! Warning spoiler

Karena udah canon haruchiyo triggernya shin, jd ada beberapa kelakuan dia yg bisa dimengerti kayak kenapa dia rebel bgt di toman karena ternyata bebannya haruchiyo gede bgt dan asumsinya saat itu cuma dia sama wakasa yg tau soal shin timeleaper. (cont..)

3 98

20220930 Daimeng Xiaohongshu update

Carrying my balloons on my back🎈
And fly out of this universe!

3 16

Here’s an anime I want to see so badly but there are no English subs for it (except for the movie and a stage play (the latter I found on YouTube yesterday)) : High School Kimengumi! Hope you like my fanart of this obscure anime.

0 7

Yimeng Wu studied MA Illustration at Camberwell College of Arts

“This project is about eating disorders, it aims to care about the mental health of modern women.”

0 1

Proud of myself udh nyimeng (baca: gambar) badongkers selama setaun

Idv bener2 merubah segalanya dari awal kenal hingga clbk abis vakum HAAHHA👏

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