IT Guy’s entertainment 👨‍💻

I have to beg him to play video games with me😂 Is there any guy who doesn’t like gaming here? What are your interests then?

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Doggo adventure continues!

Did not expect things to escalate quickly from a curious visit...

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Sophisticated man 📖

I just keep discovering more nerdiness of husband...

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We are currently on a doggo adventure! 🐾 This is part of a longer comic series that will be updated from time to time.

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IT Guy is constantly worried about the future😂 is anyone like me? It’s normal to forget things sometimes, right? ...RIGHT?

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Hangry wifey

How come he can still eat so much when he’s not even hungry 🤷🏻‍♀️

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Manners 🍽

I think that was adorable.

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I have a habit of carrying shopping bags and takeaway boxes when I head out, but sometimes I forgot to bring them.... and discover more uses of husband! 😂

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We like to get back at each other in fun ways. I’m glad we have similar humor senses😂

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How to get husband to do anything

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Mid-afternoon artwork of . Done in on the iPad Pro.....#fitguys

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Last week IT Guy was fighting a project deadline and it’s like he’s in NASA headquarters with a team of IT bros. Across the room I’m working in eternal solitude...🧘🏻

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Bookshops are the best husband-daycare for IT Guy, he’d be there for hours and not wanting to leave 📚

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Don’t do this often, it’s bad for the neck and spine 🙈

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I turned 30 this week! Best quote to help me get through my 20s: “Try and fail but don’t fail to try.” 💕

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Milky used to be picky when meeting dogs, but now he’s like this... 😆

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He has tough muscles and I have a sharp chin.💁🏻‍♀️

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Savouring the times when we go out for a “date” 👫

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