画質 高画質

MH Stories 3 should add a mechanic similar to Pokémon-Amie. And a photo mode with different poses/gestures (ideal if it's free camera)

If the idea of the game is to show the relationship between riders and monsties, adding mechanics to strengthen that bond would be great.

33 207

To train Seele's power of Rebirth, Bronya reasoned that this bubble universe would be the ideal training ground... They'll do their best! Even if it is a little embarrassing!

See the rest of the alts ~ https://t.co/zZsWQEjQRM

182 1272

⛪️東5ホール ぬ40b:よそはん⛪️


6月30日(東京)JUNE BRIDE FES 2024内 ordinary idealist JB2024| https://t.co/y2iu55u3Ql

4 28

I have been informed that this is the ideal combination of traits from the left and right -- do you agree?

34 356

💀This is a very tasteless transformation release, but this is my ideal.

1 16

In an ideal world, they would team up with johnny and gyro methinks.

61 355

Cursed to permanent minififaction has its benefits. Tula, using her wits and stature , had decided the busy tavern was ideal to pull pranks on unaware patrons. This patron took notice and returns the favor back to the critter skittering at her feet!

61 391

ご連絡はDMか【@ idealofficialV】までお願いいたします。

18 65

2024/5/5 SUPER COMIC CITY 31-day2-
超ideal or reality 2024



19 34

香りについてや、イラストを使用したアクリルパネル等の詳細は下記サイトにて公開されておりますので、是非チェックしてみて下さい✨… https://t.co/XSJyIDh3gq

4030 14460

working on examples for opening VTuber models in the future!!! (ft my sona and oc) ideally in the summers c:

3 82

shes my ideal woman

87 660

Unwelcome School - ミツキヨ (Blue Archive Original Soundtrack Vol.4 ~Aiming for the ideal freedom~)

0 3

× 香水、ルームディフューザーのパッケージイラストを引き続き担当させていただきました!
こちらは さん!

1323 8810

× 香水、ルームディフューザーのパッケージイラストを引き続き担当させていただきました!
こちらは さん!

631 3743

× 香水第2弾、ルームディフューザーのパッケージイラストを引き続き担当させていただきました!
こちらは さん!

991 5107

カリギュラ2 野球部の漫画を書きました!

全文はキィちゃん合同( さん主催)に寄稿しています
キィちゃん合同は5/5, ビッグサイト開催の超ideal or reality 2024で頒布されます

42 80

Just an update!

I'll be taking a break from streaming this week so that I can focus on finishing my new model~

Ideally (but no promises) I'll be all done with it and ready to use it for streaming next week

Thank you all for your patience and support 🩷🫶

4 89