Día 21 "Calamidad"

Contexto: este vato es un sicario y pues calamidad = relación a la muerte y eso xD

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She's fuzzy, also ignore the... yeah just, I'm a funny oc artist and occasional videogame artist and nothing else :)

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- Fuzzy
I decided to use my alien species for this one cuz they're pretty fuzzy

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day 21 - if you ask me why my art seem's below my average quality, I'll say I just make it in 1 hour... total of work, 1 hour and 46 minutes staring the krita frozen screen, 9 hours of my entire day outside my house, forced to go outside

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- Pulpy flesh

This is my favorite imagery, boobs that turn into nipple eyeballs. It’s my comic i can draw whatever i want and it doesn’t have to make sense.

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day 21: FUZZY
"Clouds are too in the clouds" says over and over again, like a .

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How it started vs how it's going.

Day 21 - FUZZY.
Watercolour pens, Sharpies and fine liner on felt.
A fuzzy peach on a fuzzy fabric.

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