Al-Razi, 9th-century polymath, known as:
👉"Hippocrates of the Arabs"
⚗️He made one of earliest serious attempts to classify the chemical elements🧪,
⚗️was an early proponent of the scientific method,
⚗️and even carried out one of the first clinical trials.

45 165

Greeks visited Egypt as students to learn from Africans.

Plato studied in Egypt for 13 years.

Pythagoras studied Philosophy, Geometry and Medicine in Egypt for 22 years.

Thales, the first Greek philosopher studied in Egypt.

Hippocrates studied Medicine in Egypt for 7 years.

1533 3653

The eyes of Miss Dolores Gonzales were half open and on her lips was the dim ghost of a provocative smile.
"The Hippocrates smile," the ambulance intern said, and sighed, "on her it looks good."
"I guess somebody lost a dream," he said. He bent over and closed her eyes.

0 2

Al-Razi, 9th-century polymath, known as:
👉"Hippocrates of the Arabs"
⚗️He made one of earliest serious attempts to classify the chemical elements🧪,
⚗️was an early proponent of the scientific method,
⚗️and even carried out one of the first clinical trials.

33 134

Al-Razi, 9th-century polymath, known as:
👉"Hippocrates of the Arabs"
⚗️He made one of earliest serious attempts to classify the chemical elements🧪,
⚗️was an early proponent of the scientific method,
⚗️and even carried out one of the first clinical trials.

25 120

My D&D characters so far

Oux Volkmore
Luther Muradyllian
And Avangilo Hippocrates

*I have a couple more lined up but those campaigns havent started*

1 4


Avangilo Hippocrates is his name
(Kinda of~)
And he maaaaaay be heavily inspired by a certain Katana wielding halfdemon

1 11

Jan Pynas
Hippocrates visiting Democritus

17 31

Al-Razi, 9th-century polymath, known as:
👉"Hippocrates of the Arabs"
⚗️He made one of earliest serious attempts to classify the chemical elements🧪,
⚗️was an early proponent of the scientific method,
⚗️and even carried out one of the first clinical trials.

94 256

Healing is a matter of time, But it is sometimes also a matter of opportunity - Hippocrates.
Pen on Paper

11 21

Al-Razi, 9th-century polymath, known as:
👉"Hippocrates of the Arabs"
⚗️He made one of earliest serious attempts to classify the chemical elements🧪,
⚗️was an early proponent of the scientific method,
⚗️and even carried out one of the first clinical trials.

52 148

TIL: The formation of antibodies to specific antigen, called humoral immunity, gets its name from ancient medical beliefs! Hippocrates described 4 vital bodily fluids (humors), and so it was named after antibacterial activity was found in serum components by Hans Buchner.

14 22

Hommage au Dr Jean Jacques Razafindranazy, vrai chevalier de l'exigeant Serment d'Hippocrate (400 av J.C). Courage aux malades et aux soignants! sauvons des vies.

0 1

Ci sono nei fatti due cose:
scienza ed opinione.
La prima genera conoscenza,
la seconda ignoranza.

60 118

Al-Razi, 9th-century polymath, known as:
👉"Hippocrates of the Arabs"
⚗️He made one of earliest serious attempts to classify the chemical elements🧪,
⚗️was an early proponent of the scientific method,
⚗️and even carried out one of the first clinical trials.

44 129

Ancient Greece - Hippocrates, the father of Medicine 

 Hippocrates embodied the perfect doctor: kind, wise, old, knowledgeable, with a long beard and profound wrinkles around perceptive eyes. At least that is what we’d like to think....

8 10