"Aventuras de un médico rural en Irlanda" de Patrick Taylor y editado por con una valoración personal de 5 sobre 5.

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A moins que vous ne préfériez les "vagues déferlantes"

🎨 David James (irlandais, 1853-1904)

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🎨 Sir John Lavery (irlandais, 1856-1941) - Jour de vent

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Je me suis permis une retouche.
Je préfère le roux irlandais.

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The art of Ghirlandaio is to be found in the ancient Italian cities. A mere handful of works is found abroad. Here is his self-portrait. I recommend travelling &, if not possible, this monograph by Cadogan.

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The great pleasure of a Ghirlandaio fresco is that there is so much to take in. Each character has their own story to tell & the mind soon takes flight trying to arrive at what they are thinking. Further details of the S Trinita frescoes.

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Soy a la única que la cantante de Irlanda se parece a bloom

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"The Visitation" is painting by Domenico Ghirlandaio, dating (1491)
Commissioned by Lorenzo Tornabuoni for the church later known as Santa Maria Maddalena De' Pazzi. It refers to the meeting between Mary and St. Elizabeth. It's displayed in the Louvre Museum of Paris, France

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