Happy birthday to our beloved jooheon☺️ Hopefully you can enjoy your day 🥺 Eat a lot and be happy❤️❤️

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unfortunately I wasn’t able to do any new art for Honey’s birthday this year, but I’m glad I can celebrate with him in Korea together this time 🥰
Hope you’ll have a wonderful day with your loved ones, Jooheon! 💛

18 48

happy honey day!! here's some older works of mine i still like a lot - he's always been a favorite of mine to draw

47 91

사랑하는 울 쭈야 생일 축하해 매일매일이 행복하고 즐겁고 건강한 날들이 될 수 있도록 오래오래 같이가💛

89 198


391 787

만두가 친절하고 사장님이 달콤해요👍

애교 듬뿍! 사랑 듬뿍! 웃음꽃 활짝😊
달콤함이 가득한 허니네 따끈따끈 꿀만두🥟
지금 당장 만나러가기
👉 https://t.co/wuPfK4pDpx

추첨 한분께는
주허니 굿즈를 선물로 드립니다🎁

211 85

Good morning or good evening, here's my take on Jooheon's reveal 🤙🏻 byeee 👋🏻

6 18

It's been ages since i've drawn honey so made the drawing extra cute 🥺💞 (my handwriting is not that cute though 🤣)


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옜날에 천사소녀 네티 라고 있었어

36 123

I'ma slay, I'ma chill, I'ma kill

173 479

앞으로도 좋아할거임 💛🐝😍

140 477