Hi guys!
I'm Nanashi-chan. I'm Japanese Vtuber.
Please feel free to talk to me.
I will try my best to reply.😆👍

I just started to learn English.
But I want to talk to everyone.
I got this!

4 15

Hi guys!
I'm Nanashi-chan. Japanese Vtuber.
Please feel free to talk to me.
I will try my best to reply.😆👍

6 15

I'm Japanese vtuber 「twinriel」!
I'm goddess of twintail.
Twintail is one type of hairstyle like this!⤵︎ ⤵︎
very very cute💓💓💓💓

I play a lot of games and talking in my LiveStream!
Sorry poor English…but!I want to make friends more!

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