Someone mentioned that the Wind Caller hairstyle is referenced from Tactics Ogre’s Canopus Wolph instead of Jecht?? I APPROVE THIS.

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I knew the new hair looked super familiar and I couldn't put my finger on it so I assumed it was just like a riff on Jecht's hair until I read the description and realized it's fucking Canopus from Ogre Battle BECAUSE OF COURSE

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I'm a lil behind but!! Posting what i have c:

This was for day 2 of 'beast'! I interpreted it a little differently because jecht is one whole dummy/I couldn't resist tbh xD

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Jecht got those Donte proportions

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The legendary Voice of Jecht⚔️ from is also the Gromble from 😂 You made my childhood sir. Now I'm hoping you can put that magic into one of characters in my series 😁🙏🏾

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Laguna Jecht Eight and Basch Fon Ronsenberg♥️♥️♥️

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New practice, redraw piece with official art as refrence. I've been really trying to improve, and honestly, I'm exhausted and tired of this particular piece. So I'm moving on. I hope yall like it

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also thinking about how auron aged so much while jecht didnt....... 🙃

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jecht auron brainrot time

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I've been a fan of and Blitzball from Day1.

Here's my tribute to and his explosive "Jecht Shot", for this month's

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Okami doodle commission of Jecht for !

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Also, that’s Jecht in his younger days... he has not aged very well, unfortunately. Here’s a current picture of Jecht:

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Now if I could still get prequel games about Dunban and Auron/Jecht/Braska's past adventures on modern hardware I can die peacefully.

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We are proud to finally show you our characters as they continue their adventure in Ralvaria! Couldn't be happier with the portrait by

(Left to right) Abe Van Halen, Ambienitus Hammerbottom, Jecht Liketheplane, Brixeus Hammerbottom, Prothian Graymane.

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I actually made it to and I had a GREAT time. Appropriately, this year's theme was Kaiju furs, and your local massive durg HAD to represent.

the selfie is my friend Jecht and me :3

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Tidus' in game model ended up way darker than his official art but can you believe people think Jecht is white? By people i mean Square re: Tidus' consistent lightening in subsequent material I am still looking at You, Dissidia

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