Some concept art. I honestly don't think a Vulpimancer female would be that different from the males, but that's no fun. So I tried to make something neat.

The Top 2 are a more hyena design while the bottom is more classic wildmutt

9 31

A few sketches of some Jen 10 Characters. Charmcaster, Kevin 11 and Jen 10. I wanted charmcaster to be more like her reboot version. Goth and stuff. More info on Kevin later.

10 30

Jen: "I was 10 when it happened. During the first day of Summer Vacation."

6 29

Happy Birthday to you all. And here's my gift to you. Jen 10 Comic Coming out later this year!

10 50

Я все еще считаю что лучший выбор для Бена - это Джулия, но я нарисовала их. Почему-то? Не знаю
Jen Tennison & Kain Green

3 18