Absolutely. Casters are despised by a good portion of the general population for multitudes of reasons, some more justified than others.

Hex (Left) has witnessed it. Pent (right) is as cold to strangers as she is because of receiving social abuse as a child for being a Caster.

0 1

KLF – Justified and Ancient

They're justified, and they're ancient
And they drive an ice cream van
(Just roll it from the top)
They're justified, and they're ancient
With still no master plan

0 0

they’re JUSTIFIED too like

yeah I don’t think I even need to explain he’s just. Yeah!


0 0

"Idk I think they're justified this community is evil"
You have to be like in elementary school if that is your logic omfg

newsflash, SONIC.EXE did not fucking tell people to groom minors. They will find another community to be freaks in, that is what they fucking do. https://t.co/AkqAOWcd7G

6 46

A time when jealousy can technically be called "justified".
(Artist: sara bonetti)

2 18

Also as my defense and Justified remember why Twitter got lot hate:

3 2

Nothing to be justified in

0 7

Several? Try several thousand at the lowest estimate.
And it was all justified https://t.co/UM9pfCh9Fv

1 3

Completely fair, not rigged, totally justified, 100% facts and reliable source

0 6

doesnt mean that headshot was justified

0 0

This particular depiction draws primarily on satirical cartoons of the time that went out of their way to equate gender non-conformity with "Western bourgeois values". A common refrain that further justified the criminalization of queer people under the Soviet Union.

14 36

The Sad the ALWAYS kills the cause that's nature and can be justified now tell me.
Is it justified to kill already traumatized souls?

2 3

Women might hate Loser (justified) but he always has men on his side; exhibit A (homosexual)

0 11

"No trait is more justified than revenge in the right time and place." https://t.co/4w0djhlWZa

6 19

New reference 4 times a week. Character 2/4 - Week 2

Kay'oten! The main antagonist of my book series (which I'm starting to get back to)! I was never happy with her design but I love this :3c She's terrifying because thinks she is 100% morally correct & justified in her actions.

2 1

Mug shot- Guilty or innocent? ⛓⚠️
Modern AU
A violent fight broke out with Naraku in the streets after he tried to kidnap Kagome, was his crime justified? The police sure don’t think so.

23 160

extremely silly pun name: JUSTIFIED

13 23

completely glossed over bolt when remaking all my ocs, never drew her tho so kinda justified lmao!!!! shes sheri's sister btw

2 2

I'm justified for that time I was in an article for being down bad for Sada, I mean look at her

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