Shiori te quiere invitar a ver un poco de Netflix 🫣 vas?
Shiori wants to invite you to watch some Netflix 🫣you're going ?

13 77

shiori va hacer una revision aver si estas sano 🤭
shiori is going to do a review to see if you are healthy 🤭

4 30

dejarias que shiori se acueste en tu regazo🤭?
would you let shiori lie on your lap🤭?

6 32

Tendrías una cita con shiori ? Dónde la llevarías?😚
Would you have a date with shiori? Where would you take her?😚

7 36

Aquí les traigo a shiori con vestido negro gótica🤭
Here I bring you Shiori with a black gothic dress 🤭

4 30

Shiori se está preparando para dormir, ¿te gustaría dormir a su lado?
Shiori is getting ready to sleep, would you like to sleep next to her?

12 57