Blue Hair aside, She's a spaniel! Specifically a kooikerhondje!

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Ihr Wunderbaren!
Wir haben das Frühlingsthema ausgepackt und direkt die Feen ausm eingepackt.

Bin etwas vernarrt in das knuffige Zuckerholzpaket fürs Fenster. ☺️

Ich schätze meinen kleinen sehr. 🤗

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Game: Pocket Mirror ~ GoldeneTraum
Developer: AstralShift, VisuStella
Engine: RPG Maker MZ
Genre: Adventure, RPG, Horror

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Game: Everdine - A Lost Girl's Tale
Developer: Starlit Castle
Engine: RPG Maker MV
Genre: Adventure, Horror

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Last night was fun, met lots of beautiful smart and talented people at 💜 would love to see other artists in this space, we definitely need more representation!

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My first NFT auctions are LIVE on as a part of Seattle Hacker House art gallery. These are some of my favorite pieces that I’m excited to share with you 💛

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Here are a couple of portraits I finished this week from stock. On the left is a Belgian Shepherd and on the right is a Dutch Kooikerhondje.

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Palamedes & Camilla - English springer spaniel & Kooikerhondje
Dulcinea & Protesilaus - Duck tolling retriever & Great dane
Silas & Colum - Chimo & Eurasier
Harrow & Gideon - Whippet/Rat terrier mix & American bulldog (..?)

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I’ve had folks ask- but here are my main characters and where I keep their artwork!

Atlas, Finnish Lapphund -
Aristotle, Kooikerhondje -
Matéo, Giant Anteater -
Boscow, Cow/Dragon -

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Game: Stray Cat Crossing
Developer: jurlo, jetpackgone
Engine: RPG Maker VX Ace
Genre: Adventure, Puzzle, Horror

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Game: Scarred Stars: Traumatic Edition
Developer: Tuomo Laine
Engine: RPG Maker MZ
Genre: Action, Adventure, Horror

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趣味で描いてる絵がSNSを通して飼い主さん達を喜ばせれるのは凄いやる気に繋がる。お陰様で依頼も来る様になりました。嬉しい限りです✨The most rewarding thing is the smile from the owners🥰

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I'm going live on youtube in 30 minutes~ We're going to be continuing Mad Father (Horror) today! ヽ(*⌒▽⌒*)ノ


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