Kairi growth tweet

KHBBS--->KH1---> KH2--->KH3

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73 181

My drawing ✍️🌹

Happy 11 anniversary KH birth by sleep


0 3

KHBBS CGI Wayfinder trio + Vanitas

Please credit me in a tweet or anything if used.
Appreciation will be taken to light :)

More icons Below

- Aqua

5 11

“Aqua, smile for the camera!”
“Oh! Like this?”
~Reworked this sketch from an ig suggest!

5 15

My 2012 bbs piece vs my 2020 bbs piece
ngl the old version make me cringe. I mean I like what I did with the unversed? but everything else... not so much lol Hope in 8 years I don't look back at the 2020 version with as much cringe...

0 2

I wrote like an essay long post about my love of bbs but I can't fit it here so if you wanna read it https://t.co/GjrzG5Yuyz
but the tldr is bbs good. aqua good. happy 10th anni.

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If it was so simple to get some happiness... Ventus is a pretty little gift, isn't Vanitas?

21 49

Well, a chocolate lollipop is a good treat, but with Mickey's face? Are you trying to tell something Venitas?

11 37

After green eyed Ventus, I HAD to sketch red eyed Vanitas too! So, here's the baby, give him lots of love 👀

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Old WIP - The Wayfinder Trio. Did this for some small project but kinda forgot about it lol. Might continue on this one someday.

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