day 3. Yeah I’m behind 🤷‍♀️
my theme is summer and I’m doing watercolor sketches. We also had some bunny thieves in our vegetable garden growing up

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Daily bunny no.557 wishes you a happy Year of the Pig!

(#kidlitart28 the thing I love today is Chinese New Year! even though it's hard to celebrate here...)

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Oh no! Why the tears? Could this swan be under a cruel enchantment of some kind? (Based on the Grimm's fairy tale "The Six Swans.")

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of the challenge. I’m going to focus on endangered animals for this month. Today: Javan Rhino (who I think looks more like a hippo than anything but oh well 🤷‍♀️). Created in

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Daily bunny no.556 is a wellspring of information

(another thing that I love: Libraries! Inspired by the wonderful !)

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day 3.

A is (again) for aardwolf. This version I’m happy with.

Aardwolves are the scaredy cat cousins of hyenas. They have a mane running down their back that they can puff up to look bigger. Aardwolves and hyenas are more closely related to cats than dogs

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Finishing my pirate series before I move on to another theme.

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of the challenge. I’m going to focus on endangered animals for this month. Today: Polar Bears

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Day 2
It’s was a stay inside with a good book kind of day. Stay warm and cozy everyone .

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"Tell me, is it terribly terribly terribly awful?" asked Badger. "I think it's lovely," said Hedgehog...... Oh no. It's a terrible case of static hair for poor Badger.

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My for as well as my first drawing! How is it already February??

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I'm very late in getting my finished and posted this week. Client stuff took over. My pirate adventure for continues with a sky and pirate knights. Wait, who is that coming through the gate?

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