Waiting to flip something and I wanna land a male... a companion for ma lady...

Keep. Protect. Reimagine.

1 4

I wanna try mine... May take some time but I'll try to make a body for mine too... you've inspired me to try.

You matched the art style and colours really well 👏

1 10

I am playing for a male as well... keeping this one and will have a male eventually.

1 4

Added a little something to my pfp... wanted to make it pop and have it short and simple.

Does it pop? Drop your POP edit of your from your and let's KEEP this adventure going into the

2 15

It's time for some introduction:
Hi, my name is Kendra! I'm an Anthropologist and Metaverse explorer. I came to Noah's Ark at Alethea_AI to study AI infused intelligent, interactive NFTs.

7 72

This special effect is so fucking dope! Thanks for the great magic!🥵🥵🥵

7 106

How do I miss these? Sheesh... I'm looking for a male KPR for my female...

Keep. Protect. Reimagine.

1 5

The Keeper I revealed. Will hold as I am interested to see where this project goes. May even pick up a waifu.

2 12

Ain't she a beauty? 😏

Let's connect all the Keepers 🤝

5 37