Nick Wilde from
I watched Zootopia, still think and should have won the Oscar that year.

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I watched Kubo and the two silk strings. What an intriguing story.

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One-eyed story telling musical origami magician seeks parent’s legacy: breathtaking myth & mystery fantasy 12:35pm

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A finished drawing of and from 🥰 .. drew this in

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El otro día revisioné Kubo and the two strings y qué maravilla de película

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Annd last one for this series, Inkling Hanzo! I wasn't too sure about this one since you don't really see him clearly in the film. Anyway, that's all for my Laika filmsxSplatoon drawings. ^_^

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Alrighty, here's the last of the Laika kids! Kubo from the gorgeous movie, I...don't really know how to draw musical instruments so if the shamisen looks weird you know why ^^;

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I’m a simple woman. I see huge bug, I draw huge bug.

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And now, for no reason at all, some of my favorite animated film posters ever.

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I love the movie "Kubo and the Two Strings" so this is some art I did a while back for the Kubo Art contest held on dA in 2016!

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