Wow Helena was very very beautiful, it's true her painting doesn't give her justice, and she looks like Fena a lot, it seems like Fena is her reincarnation

4 7

Happy October 1st fans!
I created a✨Witch as a first of 7 Halloween pieces (I’ll be posting a new Halloween fanart every Friday and Saturday except the 22nd/29th/30th)

5 15

Shitan laughing is adorable 😍
I always see him with a serious look on his face, to see him happy is priceless

1 3

Another fantastic episode, I'm absolutely in love with this one! Yukimaru clearly has a way of capturing women's hearts! 😭🥰🥰😭

5 27

I can't believe we just witnessed a proposal. This scene was definitely a proposal in my eyes! Hold on, let me get the ring!!! 😆😍🥰🥰😍😆

13 51

Despite everything he's been through, she’s never left his thoughts and is the first person who springs to his mind as soon as he woke up! 😭😆🥰😭 I swear this anime fills my heart with so much joy! 😭♥️

5 25

Every time I think I can’t love you more, you prove me wrong. Oh Yukimaru ❤️

5 8

Can we just take a moment to admire Fena's beauty in this episode? 😍😍😍

1 6

Excellent episode!!! The dialogue, visuals, and action were flawless! Yukimaru’s fierce entrance had me swooning! 😭😍💯

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