my personal favorites- noir chase and dazzling noir (personal bias tho lol), mobster speakesy, jam session 1, denki sang, magic school (special mention: witch teacher karako, WOOOOF my fav karako), phantom thief close call, tea, animal pjs awakened... the list goes on. i go feral

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Elefantearekin batera beti eskopetaduna etortzen zait gogora

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so hesokuri wars post on karako bikini on girlymatsu san the new outffit costume so yeah i add the sunset clouds with detail and the gun ooof i try to draw the gun so i give my best so anyway if you like my art follow me and support me

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A year and nearly three months after playing and I still owe these games a lot. Kantera and Karakoro worded a situation I wasn't able to put into feelings. They hit close to home when I needed them the most.

Thank you, Segawa 🤙

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ren 5. erronka: Asisko, Marko eta Jokinen

Diotenez... Zaraitzuko ibarretan barna ikusi omen dute Gartxot 2022ko Korrikarako prestatzen... 😉

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for chibbzdrawz i redraw on girlymatsu san meets replacement girls but official art

akuko meets akumi

kamiko meets kamimi

karako meets karami

ikuko meets ikumi

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today is karamatsu day the triples 18 karamatsu karamatsu and karako the blue guys karamatsu girls karamatsu boys karako boys and karako girls

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honestly, I'm just gonna post whenever I want with a goal of posting 3 times a week at least. Posting every other day stresses me out. Anyway experimental karako piece.

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