some work in progress screenshots for my RPG maker VX Ace game, Karuma and the Falling Moon, there's still more to work on :"D


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new yokai : Amanozako

A powerful tengu goddess born from Susanoo's clump of ill feelings. The result is a powerful and rebellious goddess who always lost her temper
Even a powerful god had nothin' compared to her strength. Even her son, Amanosaku isn't any different

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changed Goryou's design a bit

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new yokai? : Xuanwu

usually translated as genbu in japanese (and in SMT, it got wrongly translated to guixian :d)

the auspicious black tortoise of the north, and represents winter, the planet mercury and the element, water. Usually depicted coiled with snake tail

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another yokai : Baku

A tapir-like creature that devours dreams. Often depicted as shy chimera with elephant trunks with rhino eyes, ox tail and tiger paws, soon conflated with tapir.

Baku image usually is made as netsuke and talisman to ward off nightmares.

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some youkai info that never got posted here : Furutsubaki

When a camellia tree reaches hundred years, they acquired an ability to trick and bewitch human. One legend mentioned that this youkai transformed someone into a bee, and released poisonous fragrance.

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New Youkai : Sazae Oni

A turban shell that lived 30 years

Legend says that a group of pirates rescued a drowning woman,
tldr : everyone wanted her, to their surprise, she agreed to bang all the pirates

but she bit of everyone's balls and ran away with it.
The end

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new demon lineup for : Kejoro

A demon that lives in brothels, usually in one story, only her head is covered with nothing but matted hair, but in some story, her whole body is covered with hair.

Preys on young, virile men who frequents brothels.... sometimes...

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other yokai sketch : Hone Onna

mostly known from botan doro play, and she saps life force from men.
I can't draw skeletoooooooooooooons :(

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Itsumade :
a bird-like creature that appears during plague and suffering. They'll cry "Itsumademo?" (Until when?)

"How long will their suffering go unnoticed?"

These birds demands recognition for their suffering

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a bird like creature born from dead people souls, usually the ones that doesn't get proper burial.

They spit fire... apparently

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about my game the development's going very smoothly

just a bit warning that despite its cutesy art style. It got some disturbing stuff like onscreen death, dark comedies, slight jumpscares and red light district allusion... et cetera

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final demon line ups

- Konoha Tengu : He smol
- Furutsubaki : Holy leafy afro, batman (I actually based her afro hair from Catherine's Trisha, believe it or not)
- Kijo : If oni's are delinquent, then kijo is sukeban
- Chuunari : Made her distinct from Kijo

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Gaki, or most commonly known as the hungry ghost, or preta (for those who had war flashbacks with macca beam)

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yeehaw, new battler image for : Kijo

(her blue hair...

it was supposed to be a ur*sei yats*ra reference)

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Capital of the moon, demon line up part 1

- Keukegen : it actually looks like that, even if it's not stated that it's a doggo
- Furutsubaki no Rei : 1000+ year camellia tree would have some spirit
- Yuki Onna : classic snow woman
- Dorotabo : A mud demon

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OC donut steel youkai designs finished version

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