In honor of Kazuki Takahashi. I’m changing my profile picture to my favorite yugioh card for a week.
If you would like to participate change it to your favorite card.

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In honor of Kazuki Takahashi passing I decided to draw my favorite yugioh monster. I know you could probably guess what it is just by the sound. But can you blame me it’s a iconic scene

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R.I.P Kazuki Takahashi , a legend who left an unforgettable legacy

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I made this art using an original image of Yami a tribute to Kazuki Takahashi....
Thanks to Yugioh I have my best friends and the inspiration to draw.
I owe everything to Him, thank you for everything. 😞😭

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A tribute sketch to Kazuki Takahashi

Yugioh was an important part of my childhood, I loved to copy the arts of the cards, and the game too

sensei 😢😢

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Thank you for everything, may you rest in peace Kazuki Takahashi.

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Rest in Peace, Kazuki Takahashi sensei. You were my inspiration and an important part of my life.

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To honor Kazuki Takahashi (creator of Yu-gi-oh) I’m changing my profile picture to my favorite card for a week, feel free to join by doing the same with your favorite card!

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Dark magician of chaos!! Un pequeño homenaje a Kazuki Takahashi, creador de las cartas que tantos años llevo coleccionando 🎩🪄🃏

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Rest in Peace KazukiTakahashi.
You're the Inspiration. Thank you.

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Decidí corregir los colores y la iluminación porque sentía que el primero que hice me quedó muy flat.

Dibujo homenaje a Kazuki Takahashi. Yugioh fue una de mis primeras inspiraciones para dibujar, así que es triste que el creador se haya ido.

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Going with the trend of honoring Kazuki Takahashi with favorite cards as avatars for 1 week, I'm going with Red-Eyes Black Dragon.

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To honor Kazuki Takahashi I’ll share some of my old art of the series. I loved the characters he created. My condolences to his family and friends

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There is no words to describe what you did for my childhood and how much you inspired my profesional future. Arigato Mr. Kaz, you will be remembered forever. Here is a small farewell gift to you. Rip Kazuki Takahashi.

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To honor the memory of the creator of , I drew my favorite all time master... The Dark Magician.

Basic favorite monster I know, but I always loved the design and color.

Rest In Peace to the Creator of one of the GOAT franchises.

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Thank you for all you wonderful work You will be missed.

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En memoria de Takahashi, mi carta favorita de Yu-Gi-Oh! por 1 semana.

El arte de yugioh siempre me parecio increible, y mi carta favorita siempre sera "Change of Heart"

Gracias por tanto sensei.

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