[FUNART] My Inspirational Hubby | fanart by 蟹居女624; trans by abril0905 and TS LOL

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Happy 33rd Monthssary Uri Khuntoria Nim (Fanart by 可达可达丫 (WinnieCO))

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[FUNART] Well said hubby | fanart by 蟹居女624; trans by abril0905

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[FUNART] Lighten up The Mood... Hubby Jjang!! | fanart by 蟹居女624; trans by abril0905 and me hehehe

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[FANART] Loving you~♥ Cr As Tagged 1001DaysWithKhuntoria

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[FANART] -Victoria & KViDs!! 1000DaysWithKhuntoria Don't worry be happy~♥ Cr As Tagged

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[FANART] Stop Animal Killing and Trafficking Campaign | fanart by 蟹居女624; trans by abril0905

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No matter where we are, we will love you and support you forever in our heart❤

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[FUNART] beast (wild) 'husband' idol LOL | fanart by 蟹居女624; trans by abril0905

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[FUNART] Lock into you! | fanart by 蟹居女624; trans by abril0905

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[FUNART] I want to be a selfish for sometimes | fanart by 蟹居女624; trans by abril0905

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[FUNART] I puppy eyes❤ to my wife's dumplings | fanart by 蟹居女624; trans by abril0905

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[FUNART] You are my STAR | fanart by 蟹居女624; trans by abril0905 .... Ah so sweet.. I got teary eyes

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[FUNART] He is a total Lover | fanart by 蟹居女624; trans by abril0905

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[FUNART] I'm your man.... | fanart by 蟹居女624; trans thanks to abril0905

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[FANART] | fanart by 蟹居女624; Trans by P酱家的板Chin不说话... Xie Xie Xie-ssi and My Chin

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[FANART] Good Morning.... ^^ cr: Minsley

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[FUNART] You and Me Together... Awww sweet | fanart by 蟹居女624 Trans by 大玉米泡菜是未来

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Hubby don't worry much... It's only a baby pillow (attempt pregnancy) | fanart by 蟹居女624

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【FANART】#khuntoria taken by 刮痧奶 【PLZ DO NOT TAKEN OUT OUR LOGO】

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