Tomorrow I‘ll finish my last page of my comic BATMAN The Dark Prince Charming. After that I‘ll leave GOTHAM CITY again... I think I‘m going to buy me some Kleenex boxes 😢🤡 Copyright DC Comics

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eyyy almost forgot about this lil anjanath I doodled the other day
he's just grumpy because they don't make kleenex his size

I've been loving monster hunter world >w<

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Se me ha olvidado que tenía la calefacción apagada y me he ido enfriando poco a poco y ahora no puedo parar de estornudar y me caen los mocos como si fueran agua

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Clear your bookshelves, buy some Kleenex: Sad Animal Facts is out in Sept!

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Kelly Bastow, aka moosekleenex, on Tumblr. Love this 👏🏻

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