kobo pakai pisau. kobokers&cebokers 😱😱😨😨

65 988

The dream come tru,,,,, Slayyy that impostahhhh

21 223

masih kepikiran sama kaca rebus.....

8 89

"Are you drunk?"
"No, but yes"

167 2206

Kobo accidentally ghosted by the grim

2 23

I laugh 1.5 hour non-stop watching Kobo and Gamma's stream playing Super Bunny Man 😭😭🤣🤣 my cheeks hurt, my eyes were teary, I just couldnt stop laughing. They're so hilarious

15 72

Koboo you did a great job, you should be proud of yourself, no need to be sorry 😂😆 *pat pat Kobo*

18 181