//=time() ?>
@nakrhara Surprise! Here's Koharu Rikka.
Rikka is a high school sophomore who has a teddy bear companion named LAKISTON.
Her CeVIO voicebank is only speech-capable, though her SynthV voicebank allows her to sing.
@dawnie53126052 Behold! Your new vocal synth kin is Koharu Rikka.
Rikka is a high school sophomore who has a teddy bear companion named LAKISTON.
Her CeVIO voicebank is only speech-capable, though her SynthV voicebank allows her to sing.
【CeVIO AI】The vocal synth of the hour is Koharu Rikka.
Rikka is a high school sophomore who has a teddy bear companion named LAKISTON.
Her CeVIO voicebank is only speech-capable, though her SynthV voicebank allows her to sing.
【CeVIO AI】The vocal synth of the hour is Koharu Rikka.
Rikka is a high school sophomore who has a teddy bear companion named LAKISTON.
Her CeVIO voicebank is only speech-capable, though her SynthV voicebank allows her to sing.
@cloud_445 Behold! Your new vocal synth kin is Koharu Rikka.
Rikka is a high school sophomore who has a teddy bear companion named LAKISTON.
Her CeVIO voicebank is only speech-capable, though her SynthV voicebank allows her to sing.
【CeVIO AI】The vocal synth of the hour is Koharu Rikka.
Rikka is a high school sophomore who has a teddy bear companion named LAKISTON.
Her upcoming CeVIO voicebank will only be speech-capable, though her upcoming SynthV voicebank will allow her to sing.
@PkmLegendArceus @DPPt_Shitpost That's a very interesting thought!
In Japan, it is thought that the "Ainu" people who lived in the Shinnoh area (Hokkaido) may have chosen Pokémon with motifs of Blakiston's fish owl, volcanoes, and sea otters, which they believed in!
Sorry for my poor English!😭🙏🏻
Celebrating a #StarWars original trilogy birthday today
Born in 1933 and acting up until as recently as 2019, we salute our Rebel leader and wish her many happy returns!
#DigitalArt of #CarolineBlakiston by TDO #BOTD
Taiyo indigo, Lewis Blakiston: Coming from money he has alot to prove. Whether it's fighting with the red ranger or understanding the peasantry this warrior will prove his place on the team.#PowerRangers #SuperSentai #Art #Indie
Hi! I am kinda new here. So... I decided to start from a little sketch of Rikki! #LAKISTON #小春六花 #VOICEROID2
完成しました🥰勝田恭平さんの「シマフクロウ」「 Blakiston's Fish Owl 」
Kyohei Katsuta IKEAの包装紙50㎝使用。初折りでしたので結局3日かけて折りました。仕上げの糊付けがわからないです😅 #折り紙作品 #勝田恭平折り紙作品集 #シマフクロウ #勝田恭平さん
Inktober Day 14:
#inktober prompt: Overgrown
#undyingtales prompt: Blakiston's Fish Owl
Black Holbein and Higgins ink, white gel pen, and a little white charcoal on toned paper, 9X12 inches.
Original is $45, contact me if interested!
Second attempt at painting my new icon during #inktober! This owl is based on the Blakiston’s fish owl, my favorite owl of all time. #inktoberDay28