Couldn’t help ourselves… added 2 more 😈😈

X5 now in our Goatz Vault 🤝🏼

Thank you 💙

Goatmas has been early this year!

11 24

is shockingly awesome… now to get the vizor on there 😜

2 6


This has absolutely flown round and man I cannot wait for you guys to start this journey with us!!!

To each and everyone of you who has supported so far, thank you from the bottom of of my Goat 🤣

Much love 💙💙💙

Now….#LFGoat 🔥🐐

11 30


54 hours
3248 minutes
194,800 seconds!!!

Mint day is not far away at all!!! Can’t wait for these Goatz to start their journey!

Support has been insane and I genuinely thank every single one of you 💙


8 16

Today feels like a great day to
I'm back 🐐❤️

10 70

To kick off the week and announcing some of our membership collections we are giving away an GOATIA!

All you have to do to enter the raffle is
- Retweet
- Follow
- Notification on ✅

Winner will be announced this Wednesday

27 34


7 Days 🔥🔥

Just 7 days until these bad ass Goatz start their journey on the VeChain Network!

We had other choices to mint on other networks but we chose VeChain due to it feeling like family 🤝🏼

What you saying 👀


8 12

Congratulations on selling out!! 🎉🎉 y'all are amazing! ❤️

7 15

🚨 GIVEAWAY 🚨 This Beautiful Savana Goatia to brighten up the middle of your week!

To Qualify:
- Like & Retweet
- Tag two people that would like to
- Follow me ()

Winner announced in 24ish hours

66 81

8.2k Cardano wallets hold a NFT. 3.6k to 4k of these wallets are unique. If you’re looking for an NFT project to invest in that will survive or maybe flourish in this bear market than GOATTribe should be at the top of your list. LFGOAT

14 50

my feed is getting boring do goats still follow goats??

14 86

Just traded for this beautiful how did I do? Always wanted to acquire a rainbow smoke!

19 107

Thanks to my man I finally own my first !

Someone said goat follow goat was a thing? 🐐

14 76