LGBTİ+ hareketi olarak on yıllardır eşitlik ve özgürlük için yürüyoruz. Nefret yürüyüşleri de, bu yürüyüşlere RTÜK eliyle devlet desteği de eşitlik umudumuzu elimizden alamaz. LGBTİ+’lar olarak biz eşitliğe yürümeye bütün yol arkadaşlarımızla devam edeceğiz.

Çizim: Aslı Alpar

156 782

¿Alguien les ha dicho que no es homofóbico a pesar de que si lo está siendo?
Checa esta información: 👇🏽

¿Tu que opinas? ¿Que otras acciones o frases has escuchado?


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Los dudebros: La cultura woke está infectando el anime, fuerzan muchos personajes LGBTIQA+... Esto antes no pasaba.

El anime que veíamos en los 90 y principio del 2000 en la tele pública:

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De Australia para el Mundo: "Wear It Purple Day" un propósito común por una humanidad mejor para la juventud LGBTIQ+ Desde COLOMBIA🇨🇴 nos asociamos y apoyamos a esta actividad transformado nuestro logo y haciendo visible este esfuerzo.

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Today is wear it purple day 💜⚡ it is > LGBTIQA+ awareness day especially for young people, based in Australia. Supporters wear purple to celebrate diversity and young people from the LGBTIQA+ community. ^_^ I'm doing my part and got a nice purple jumper on at work !xD¡

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omg please, if you don't like this, don't send hate, I don't care.

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In case you missed it: Our statement in solidarity with that we released at the end of last week. We continue to stand with Uganda's umbrella LGBTIQ+ organisation that was shut down by the Uganda National NGO Bureau.

▶️Full statement:

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and a bonus. lgbtifies ur party !!!!!

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This is canon 👀💕🌈🐟
Credits: yyhm art on instagram!

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A commission, with Katie from The Mitchells vs The Machines with the lesbian pride flag 🥰

Hope you like it!😋

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And here we go! my character design! in case ya need for certain purposes 👀🌸

Thank you a lot for joining my come back!! soonish ill show the schedule! <3

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🌈Avui fa 43 anys de la legalització del Front d'Alliberament Gai de Catalunya (FAGC).

🔴Un 16 de juliol de 1980 el Consell de ministres legalitzava al FAGC. Una conquesta fruit de la lluita col·lectiva.

‼️Treballem per fer d'aquesta data un día per la memòria històrica LGBTI

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some art commission i did for month <3 give them some love :D i really loved how they turned out!

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