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a fanart of @HarbingerOfLuck 's very beautiful OC - Katherine💜💜💜
it would be just lineart, but if we got Likes+ RT = 100 on this post then i will do a fully renders for it 😌💜
g-guys ini sender art! sylus yg dlu minta disemangatin pas lineart... lg jingkrak2 gegara perdana coloring kek bgini, masih thumbnail vibesny tp dpt bgt 😭 wml for the render 🥹
sketch to refinement to final lineart, cool poses are hard
Bonus gifts.
One's a collab-turned-doodle for @Sinstheg. We were talking about drawing and all that and I said if he did a sketch of Versusia, I'd do lineart of it. I didn't intend to colour it, but I figured why not?
The other is Emotes for a sever I frequent. I said I'd make… https://t.co/L7a9gBmhYV
Art! Adakah yg mau kasih saran caranya bikin shading dan lineart ala2 style matchaach gtu? Aku stuck parah 😔 Artstudy dari kemarin ga dapet2 apa yg kupengen
Haloo! Sender ada template lineart nih. Barangkali aja ada yang mau iseng coloring gambar *orv tapi males gambar lineartnya. Boleh banget pake lineartku! File transparentnya aku kasih di replies yaa
Manage to kinda get the lineart clean of the Rinmama piece i want to do (well im kinda doing it already) yesterday, while having another instance of insomnia. Decided to put Rin too kinda like the oreimo cover cause funny, i guess. Dont know what clothes to put on Rinmama thou🤔
I love CSP default felt pen. For some reason it feels so nice to express an art style with it
too bad it's hard to use it for "Clean" lineart tho
Artist! Kira2 buat buka komis lbh minat artstyle yg kanan (lineart) atau kiri (realism)?
if you see my drawings, you'll realize that I don't have much cohesive shading/coloring style. Even the lineart looks different.
I don't wanna be accused of "using AI", so what makes it easy to identify my artwork even if they don't have the same render style?
I realize maybe... sometimes, people hate lineart because they don't know what kind of lines they want?
lineart usually - my impression is of wanting to completely line a character while also having them shape out correctly
so my tip is to know what kind of lines u like
Art! Niatnya iseng mau nyoba painting (style sender biasanya lineart-heavy)... minta tolong tips2 paintingnya dong, ini sender jujur gakuat 😭