new lepitsune batch up for auction *H*!

5 11

lepitsune auction collab with now up *H*!!

3 17

one remaining lepitsune still up for sale for $40!

1 3 new flatrate lepitsune batch up :3c!

2 14

scribble lepitsune dump pt 2 ^o^

0 5

SCRIBBLEPITSUNE up for $30 tweet me if interestedd ywy...!!

0 2

pink lemonade lepitsune up for $30 uqu!

1 11

bunch of homed scribble lepitsunes so far zwz!! stay tuned for more!

2 16

impromptu sketchy lepitsune sale for $30! tweet me if interested uqu...

0 13 second vday lepitsune auction up! you could say they're quite a lepitsundere

5 25 valentines lepitsune auction is up ywy!

6 18