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Movie Porco Rosso (Kurenai no buta), Hayao Miyazaki (1994). 🔁 Re-Watch.

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My pieces, as part of solo show at . Two have sold. Totoro still available. See them this weekend, 12pm-6pm, at the A2AC.


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Hayao Miyazaki's Shuna no Tabi (1983) x Tsutomu Nihei's BLAME! (1997-2003)

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- El viaje de Chihiro
Para crear a Chihiro, Miyazaki se basó en la hija de diez años de un amigo, la cual le parecía muy apática. Es así que intentó que la protagonista no tuviera poderes y que se enfrentara a los problemas de la misma forma que lo haría esa chica que conocía.⬇️

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Dragón entre las nubes, en 'Cuentos de Terramar' (Gorō Miyazaki, 2006).

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Miyazaki's Laputa is already perfect, a sequel would be wrong. but I can't help but imagine Sheeta and Pazu become the leaders of the pirates, fight against the rise of robots with AI awaken after the castle in the sky was crashed... xD

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'El viaje de Chihiro'
(Hayao Miyazaki, 2001)

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✏️ Boceto original a acuarela de 'Cuentos de Terramar' (Gorō Miyazaki, 2006).

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It's such a great parody of old 70s anime, particularly the "World Masterpiece Theater" (アルプスの少女ハイジ) series, where luminaries like Hayao Miyazaki and Isao Takahata created their early hits.

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En el manga de Urusei Yatsura se puede ver un cameo del personaje de Nausicaä (Nausicaä del Valle del Viento) de Hayao Miyazaki y también en el episodio 162 y 163 del anime vemos a Lum vestida como Nausicaä y un poster de la película en el cuarto de Ataru

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I drew this today, imagining The Phantom as a Miyazaki-esque (e.g. Castle of Cagliostro, Castle in the Sky, et al.) anime adventure.
It's all the same DNA. Pirates, secret brotherhoods, bi-planes, femme fatales, lost treasures, etc etc.

I need this. I need it so bad.

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'El castillo en el cielo'
(Hayao Miyazaki, 1986)

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Forgotten realms shadow fell cave city inception reflected on ceiling 4k digital paint, by studio ghibli hayao miyazaki. vivid colours, vaporwave

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Currently (re)reading Nausicaä of the Valley of the Wind by Hayao Miyazaki. Every time I take it, I fall in love with it again. It's such a masterpiece, if you haven't yet read it, read it. You'll be glad you did.

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📚 40 ans après sa publication au Japon en 1983, LE VOYAGE DE SHUNA, l'épopée manga signée Hayao Miyazaki, s'apprête enfin à sortir en France ! Cette (monumentale) pépite à l'aquarelle va paraître chez Sarbacane le 1er novembre. Plus que 239 jours à attendre... ⏳

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I feel like bean mouth style is the love child of Miyazaki and the Simpsons

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"I hate Calarts style bean mouth"

Do these people not know about Miyazaki???

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