//=time() ?>
Just ask a little favour of the goddess who lives inside you.
#cteam #molpy #cteamspoilers
In celebration of @AmyTFalcone's birthday yesterday and the game she will be playing with her mom (!) Saturday (DMed by the one and only @katewelchhhh) here is a piece I'm calling "Mother and Daughter."
@TychoBrahe @RyanHartmanWins @krisstraub @Hobbitzez
#Cteam #acqinc #molpy
#molpy I have completed the last member of #cteam Walnut Dankgrass aka @AmyTFalcone . I had fun doing the main members and I might do more in the future!
Hexblade K'thirss.
@TychoBrahe @krisstraub @AmyTFalcone @katewelchhhh @Hobbitzez
#cteamspoilers #acqinc #molpy
#molpy 1 more character from #cteam completed. You're favorite Dragonborn Donaar Blit'zen aka @RyanHartmanWins ! Just one more to go after this one for the full team to be done.
Tonight’s #CTeam is nearly here. To celebrate, he’s a repost of one of my favorite Rosie drawings I’ve done. #molpy #ShadowCouncil @TychoBrahe @katewelchhhh
I didn't expect the response I got from the Kthriss piece so I've gone and made another member of the #cteam this time everyone's favorite not your Grandma's Grandma, Rosie Beestinger. #molpy @katewelchhhh I'll get around to Walnut and Donaar sometime soon I hope!
I haven't done anything art related in a very long time. Thankfully #cteam inspired me to do a rendition of a certain someone during the most recent episode.#cteamspoilers @krisstraub #molpy I hope to more in the future!
Because @Stringerplz brought it up, clearly I needed a sea-turtle C-Team themed mermaid for #mermay. As it happens I had plans already for @Hobbitzez's Shadow Chancellor. So here we are.
#Cteam #acqinc #molpy
I know @RyanHartmanWins is notoriously secretive about Donaar's backstory but I, for one, hope we get some of this good boy saving his homeland soon!
#cteam #molpy #art
Hello friends, new posters, looking at some of my favorite personality moments. The DM didn’t get his own because he’s the setting in all 4 😉. #MOLPY #shadowcouncil #cteam
@TychoBrahe @krisstraub @RyanHartmanWins @katewelchhhh @AmyTFalcone
Do they need the names on there?
Inspired by @bernadettemeeke I was looking through my old C Team drawings. Hope you like.
Been there since episode 1. Love the show guys @TychoBrahe @krisstraub @AmyTFalcone @RyanHartmanWins @katewelchhhh
#MOLPY #shadowcouncil @cteam
Here are all four of the C-Team Player-Character pieces I did in celebration of @Official_PAX this weekend!
@RyanHartmanWins, @AmyTFalcone, @katewelchhhh, @krisstraub, @TychoBrahe, @Hobbitzez
#Cteam #acqinc #molpy
Who knows what happens when Rosie lets her hair down? A portrait of a good Grandmother and her CLOSEST, most INTIMATE companion... Staffenie.
#molpy #cteam #RosieBeestinger #staffenie
Hey @TychoBrahe maybe I misunderstood you. You said you WANTED to see Staffanie art right? @katewelchhhh that's what he said, right?
#Cteam #acqinc #molpy