Today's MSX art

Title: Forest
Artist: Mermaid
Year: 2016
Mode: screen-2 (MSX1)
Colors: 14

You can vote or download the native file for your real MSX here:

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"Metal Gear Solid 3: Subsistence" es la versión mejorada de "Snake Eater", como detalles, nos trajo otros 2 juegos, los Metal Gear de MSX, un Teatro Secreto en clave de humor, escenas extendidas, mejoras jugables y, en su día, modo online. 🤩

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Livingstone, I Presume?
Año: 1986
Plataformas: Amstrad CPC, Atari ST, Commodore 64, MSX, ZX Spectrum, PC

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Clean cover illustration from Nightmare Collection: Dead of the Brain - Shiryō no Sakebi (FM Towns, MSX, PC-98, X68000) [NSFW 18+]. Art by Ryuichi Makino.

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"Game Over" by Dinamic Software (1987) for Amstrad CPC, Commodore 64, MSX, PC MS-DOS and ZX Spectrum.

New A2 size restoration.

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I sent Yazzie Remastered as an entry for the MSXdev'20. I hope they find some time to publish it soon, so everyone can enjoy.

Meanwhile, I published its new title screen on the Retro Gallery, so you can have a taste of what's to come.


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After learning the tricks used on MSX1/scr2, ZX-Spectrum and C64 to hide the color bleed, I decided to try those on the MSX2+/scr12.

Used this way, the screen12 becomes kinda like a "super screen2". These were the 1st results of arrangements from other artists.

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Renato Degiovani - one of the most important names of the 8-Bits era in Brazil - will be re-releasing his classic game "Amazônia" for ZX81, Speccy, MSX, and PC in an event hosted by Bitnamic Software on July 19 at Club Homs (Avenida Paulista, 735, 01311-100 São Paulo, Brazil).

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Today's MSX art

At is maximum resolution (512x424), the MSX2 isn't too shabby for highly dithered graphics in PC-98 style.

Title: いらっしゃいませ。
Artist: Made in Japan
Year: 1994
Mode: screen-7i (MSX2)
Colors: 16

Native file here:

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From left to right, the following versions of METAL GEAR: DOS, NES, MSX, C64. The MSX is clearly superior

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Today's MSX art

Title: Alita - Killing Angel
Artist: MVAC7
Year: 2019
Mode: screen-2 (MSX1)
Colors: 11

You can vote for this image, or download the native file for your real MSX here:

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Pictured from Left to Right are the following versions of DOUBLE DRAGON: GBA, MSX, Amstrad, Lynx

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Title: プログラムしてる?
Artist: Made in Japan
Year: 1992
Mode: screen-7
Colors: 14

You can vote for this image, or download the native file for your real MSX here:

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Today's MSX art

Title: Gogo Pixie bonus image
Artist: Hitoshi Suenaga
Year: 1990
Mode: screen-5
Colors: 14

You can download the native file to view on your real MSX here:

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Today's MSX art is an arrangement for the screen-3

Title: Wingman
Artist: えざきしい
Year: 2018
Mode: screen-3
Colors: 12

You can download the native file to view on your real MSX here:

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Today's MSX art

Title: Graph6
Artist: Unknown
Year: 1990
Mode: screen8
Colors: 60

You can download the native file to view on your real MSX here:

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A happy new year for everyone, with plenty of MSX activities!

Title: Draconic Throne
Artist: Par
Year: 2017
Mode: screen2+sprites
Colors: 15

You can download the native file to view on your real MSX here:

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Today's MSX art

Title: フィオ の りきさく!
Artist: おざわ たつろう
Year: 1993
Mode: screen-8
Colors: 91

I find this work astonishing for an 8bitter, but sadly it has only a single "like" vote on the Retro Gallery.

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