TKda黒ぶち ( )

▼#クレ罠 番外編
MF DOOMとMadlibがタッグを組んだ名盤「Madvillainy」特集!

Madvillain - Accordion


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Jan 2021???

Meg & Madvillain

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1. Madvillain『Madvillainy』
2. Charli XCX『Charli』
3. The xx『xx』
4. Fiona Apple『When The Pawn...』
5. Sufjan Stevens『The Age of Adz』
6. Common『Be』
7. Nujabes『Modal Soul』


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Madvillainy study

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madvillain - madvillain
all caps
shadows of tomorrow

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ざらついたこのアナログな質感、Madlibが次々と放り込みつづける澱みに澱んだビート、そして、どっぷりと酩酊したDoomのフロウ。MF Doom & Madlibからなる超人気ヒップホップ・デュオ、Madvillainが04年に〈Stones Throw〉から発表した金字塔的傑作のヴァイナル2LP版!

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Good morning, .
Today’s 10k soundtracked by the brand new Earl Sweatshirt album and a timeless masterpiece from Madvillain.🧡

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Back in stock, this absolute classic by DOOM and Madlib: Madvillainy on LP.

We were lucky to grab these, sold out at source already sadly...

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4. L’album éponyme de Madvillain (2004). Hip-Hop underground. Un duo composé d’artistes inventifs et visionnaires,MF Doom (RIP) et Madlib. On y retrouves des sons rappelant The Roots avec des tournures alternatives et jazzy.
▶️America’s Most Talented,Money Folder,Figaro, All Caps

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Madvillainy 🖍️🧡

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17 years ago today, MF DOOM & Madlib dropped the classic ‘Madvillainy.’ 💿

Rest In Peace, MF DOOM. 🖤🕊

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