Some mermaid enchantment for your day by one of my favourites —John Waterhouse. Here is his ‘A Mermaid’ & his preparatory studies, circa 1900 🧜‍♀️

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💖 Happy Mermaid Monday! 💖
Working on a pink version of the Martini Mermaids pattern.
It will be available very soon as fabric, wallpaper and many other fun accessories! 💋

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"You all get one freebee."

credit: official illustration.

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“Why are there so many types of maid outfits?”

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“Why—why do I have to wear something so colorful and frilly?!”

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💜 Happy Mermaid Monday! 💜
A a baby doll goth glam mermaid with a ghost jelly admirer.

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Tale from the Solway Firth of a mermaid who fell in love with a sailor whom she rescued when his ship ran aground. She slipped a gold ring on his finger and promised to return to him, but after many years, he died, alone.

by Arthur Rackham

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스파이 메이드 [SILSA]입니다.
서빙중에 쥐가 기어올라서 감추고있었던 무기들이 들통나버렸습니다~
다음에도 재밌는 그림으로 찾아뵙겠습니다!

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It’s apparently which means I can repost!

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"Its maid monday! What can i do for you master~"

Got this commission a while ago! and i just thought that it might be a good time to show off! it is maid monday after all

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Happy 🧜🏻
My Favorite Mermaid Movies!

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“is this the proper dress for the thing you call ?”

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