today Þvörusleikir or Spoon-Licker
makes an appearance
he is known to steal and lick wooden spoons and is extremely thin due to malnutrition.

this is the fourth of the 13 to visit Iceland

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After a mission gone wrong San is beating herself up over Umar injured hand and arm seeing her awake with guilt as well as fear form her past he gets her to sleep next to him details below San is small due to malnutrition as a child

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Dear , When multinational corporations, like , increase misery, hunger, malnutrition, child labor & forced migration in their supply chains FOR PROFIT THEY COMMIT A CRIME AGAINST HUMANITY! Calling that to deceive consumers, is a crime too!

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Dear , All top Execs know that a few CtsPerCup can eradicate misery, hunger, malnutrition, child labor, slavery & forced migration in rural communities that grow YOUR coffee, tea & cocoa. Will u share

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Dear , All top Execs know that a few CtsPerCup can eradicate misery, hunger, malnutrition, child labor, slavery & forced migration in rural communities that grow YOUR coffee, tea & cocoa. Would you be willing to share

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Dear , All know that a few CtsPerCup can eradicate misery, hunger, malnutrition, child labor, slavery & forced migration in rural communities that grow YOUR coffee, tea & cocoa. Would be willing to share

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Jon Sobrino on his El Salvadorian martyr colleagues murdered for their witness to God’s reign 31 years today: they inspire & would have kept their deaths in perspective “Millions die of malnutrition but are not accorded recognition they, too, are killed.”

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Dear , . 20 is misery, hunger, malnutrition, child labor & forced migration increased in communities that supply coffee, cocoa & tea to Germany. DE must stop cruel human cost "#Fairtrade" & share to end misery & fast-track Dvlpmt

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Dear , Nov. 20 is misery, hunger, malnutrition, child labor & forced migration increased in communities that supply coffee, cocoa & tea to DE. Germany must stop cruel human cost "Fairtrade" & share to end misery & fast-track Dvlpmt

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Dear , Nov. 20 is misery, hunger, malnutrition, child labor & forced migration increased in communities that supply coffee, cocoa & tea to EU. EU must stop cruel human cost of "Fairtrade" by sharing to end misery & fast-track Dvlpmt.

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Dear , Nov. 20 is Misery, hunger, malnutrition, child labor & forced migration increased in communities that supply coffee, cocoa & tea to EU. Europe must stop cruel human cost by sharing to end misery & fast-track rural development.

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Dear , Nov. 20 is Misery, hunger, malnutrition, child labor & forced migration increased in communities that produce coffee, cocoa & tea. The human cost can be stopped if you & shared to end misery

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Dear , BizModels of too many multinationals increase misery, hunger, malnutrition, child labor & forced migration. Even coffee, tea & cocoa is grown with slave & child labor. Solution is to share not AID

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Metropolis would be a sleek, retrofuturistic city... its bright and shiny surface belying its spiritual and emotional malnutrition

The whole thing was built by LexCorp and Brainiac spies on everyone from every nook and cranny

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Dear , Since summit is about sustainable development I ask: How can claim that they support the when their business model sustains misery, malnutrition & child labor in cocoa, coffee, tea, etc producing regions

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Dear James S. Henry , Congratulations for appointment to board . Please help us eradicate child labor & end slavery. BizModel of too many multinationals is to increase/sustain misery, hunger, malnutrition, child labor & forced migration in supply chain

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The Sustainable Development Goals have failed, in large part, because of the cruel business models of multinationals and developed countries. For profit, they increased misery, hunger, malnutrition, child labor, and forced migration. cc

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Olaf, As you know: German "sustainability" standards 4C, etc. sustain misery, hunger, malnutrition, child labor & forced migration, besides deceiving German & EU consumers. Exploitation is CRUEL! is illegal!

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Mme , Comme disait Victor Hugo "qu'y a-t-il donc au-dessus de la justice? - l'équité." Et s'il y a de l'exploitation dans le café, le cacao ou le thé, la misère, la faim, la malnutrition et le travail des enfants, cela n'est pas juste et encore moins équitable.

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my best OCs were made while i was studying abroad in japan, sleep-deprived and malnutritioned and working on a medium i dont even like (traditional アナログ)

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