Painting by my father
Carl Köhler (1919-2006)

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Marie Curie became the first woman to win a Nobel Prize and the first person—man or woman—to win the award twice. 

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“I believe that would have joined Native Scientist in celebrating diversity in science, culture, language and education” Read more about this blog article by in:

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I have drawn some of the most important scientists in history for Merck Germany

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J'ai récupéré mon illustration sur et faite pendant le partiel d'illustration ! J'en suis assez contente même si j'ai embêté tout le monde avec le bruit de l'aérographe !

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Ce soir nous sommes au pour découvrir l’exposition consacrée à à l’occasion du 150e anniversaire de sa naissance

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Alle kleinen und großen Forscher können heute einen Comic lesen, die diese Woche ihren 150. Geburtstag feierte! 🎂🎉 Happy Birthday, Queen of Science!

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“Be less curious about people and more curious about ideas.” Meowrie Curie.

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Happy Birthday, Take a close-up look at her quartz piezo electrometer in

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Happy Birthday - 1st and only person to win the twice.

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