I tend to give all my mobians muzzles & ears closer to their species (plus ear floof)

But Mephiles I make a bigger effort to deviate more, so he’s not a recolored-Shadow like canon https://t.co/e0oolXC0O7

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DEATH BATTLE! Yukki & Mephiles The Dark with a Fish vs Bubbles

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Have a dance with the lord of Darkness

I wanna get better with drawing le quills of Shadow & Meph, and so far is going good -w-
Doesn't mean hands aren't a challenge however ;w;

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He Is A Alien From Sonic 2006 that was Supposed to be an "Extra" Villain in The game and He Fused With Mephiles and Iblis.
He also Destroyed Mobius (Sonic's Planet) and Is Now Going To Different dimensions to find more Victims...

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Final drawing of the year (maybe)

Yin-Yang and Mephiles's Potara Fusion, Yiphang

Happy New Year Everyone!

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I remembered Shadic being a thing and thought
"Okay but what if you fuse Scourge with Mephiles"
So here's Scourgiles The Dark lol

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Thanks to the newest story update to Dragon Ball Legends, I'm in a real Fusion mood

So I'll be drawing both of Yin-Yang and Mephiles's fusions, Ming and Yiphang

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even though these 2 are fan made they fit the green category more then Metal and Mephiles

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I'm setting up the brushes. I didn't forget about Mephiles stickers. I want to print them first, and maybe I'll throw off a full with a watermark.

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