(シルメフィ) 『autumn leaves』(紅葉)

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calms his boyfriend down 💜
surprisingly, silver looks good with all the characters. for some reason when I started playing sonic 2006 my favorite couple were mephilver (and then sonilver... and then shadilver... anD tHeN sOnAdilv- uh okay)

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my headcanon: Mephiles begins to melt when he sees Silver with such a cute expression on his face during their games

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It was night...I was wandering through twitter, I wound crazy profile, so I decided to draw something crazy too + I was sketching very suggestive Mephilver comic during the nigh, and my brain just wanted me to draw Zielo as well.

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mephilver children!! ore on the left, pickaxe on the right :-) first is their finalized designs, second is their concepts

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family photos!! mephiles and silver are proud dads

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Como mi primera publicación en twitter, les dejare 2 imagenes que ise de Sonadow y Mephilver 💖

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En minutos tendran una historia mephilver si mephilver el 2 video de Mephilver que hago pero a base de una canción por mientras les dejo esta imagen suculenta 7w7

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