Pixiv UID :

2 6

minwon holding hands chart updated version 🫠🫠🥹🥹

2135 6645

抓抓頭髮 我最近獲得太多了很感動TAT

279 732

전 이상한 모자를 쓰고 있는 남자 좋아요 👍

356 1644

Aku baru aja nonton Bad Clue II, siapa yang bingung sama killernya? Padahal di Bad Clue I aku gampang banget nebaknya. Kasian si Gu diiket lagi wkwkwk.

Niatnya si Nu mau intimidating, tapi kedeketan mukanya jadi si Gu deg-deg'an takut kebablasan.

10 43

masih masalah keuwuan pegangan tangan, tapi sekarang settingnya acara kerajaan >< gemes gak kalian?

56 264


450 1305

The design of my minwon personalized washi tape turned out so cute!!!! 😭😭😭 Thank you so much to my sister for designing this. Love you to bits! 💗 So excited to see the actual product. 💚💜

10 71

tight hug is the best way to welcome your teammate when you r kim mingyu and your teammate is jeon wonwoo

255 496

doodle doodle minwon with me while 'learning new style'

36 192

yang katanya 'there was no reason' vs yang sebenarnya terjadi

40 224