the way mitsuki doubles down everytime sarada start sassing people out is so 😭😭😭
@Suigetsu_Ka that would be so cute! mitsuki seems already familiar with them too so i assume they do get assigned to watch over him from time to time 💙
rmbr when the 2022 spring art dropped and qrts were saying the lineup make it look like mitsuki is their child ouejgjdkdjhdjd
this lowkey the most satisfied ive been on the way i draw mitsuki and its for a meme video 💔
you know whats even more precious about this is the fact that mitsuki KNOWS sarada would say that but still asked anyway because he care So Much he really just cant risk her getting caught in this mess
this is funny considering mitsuki ends up having shoulder length hair in timeskip anyway
the ugly ass pajamas....... yeah mitsuki definitely have those on his wardrobe
[#Dislyte / #DislyteFanart / #DislyteFumitsuki / #DislyteIkki] dreams and nightmares
🌟 お仕事 🌟
VTuber 碧月りかさん (#Mitsuki_Licca )
watching 23.5 rn bro why does ongsa literally have a mirrored placement of mitsuki's mole LMAOJDFASDJ
#ミツサラ now that mitsuki has long hair i can draw them as that one petermj selfie
no but this is actually so funny coz sarada hates how obsessed boys are with cards but wouldnt mind listening to mitsuki yap about it for hours i love my dorks
the way mitsuki was singing praises for sarada the whole arc aughhhh this arc was so good for us sarada akgaes