The official Monster World IV illustration for the Monster World Complete Collection. I'm almost 100% certain the action demonstrations were inspired by the original chibi ones seen in the past. It's nice to see some enemies for once too.

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Just managed to retrieve the separate piece that is present for Asha in Monster World's collector's edition. I love them both! But, the right one is more complete to me because she actually has her shield this time around. 🛡️

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Today's character feature goes to the sarcastic and fourth wall-breaking Lamp Spirit. However, he specializes in travel, not wish granting. Otherwise, all Asha would have to do is wish the monsters away, and how fun would THAT be? 🥱

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This morning, something hit me. In terms of official and fan made content, Monster World 4 has 4 soundtrack versions done by 4 different artists lol. I just wish we could get our hands on the third one from Japan! 😢

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For today's introduction, we have the Four Spirits, guardians of specific regions of Monster World. From left to right is Priscilla, Hotta, Shabo, and Lotto (Junior). We'll be going over each one and their origins in the coming days!

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It is the 13th hour of the 13th day, which means that we shed some light on Sheila Purapril XIII. Coming from a long line of female rulers is the beautiful and kind queen of Rapadagna, the Desert Oasis. The new design is great!

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Today's character spotlight goes to no other than the mysterious Sage of Save. This old timer is well-versed in the knowledge of Monster World's history and is seemingly everywhere! His updated design adds quite a bit of detail!

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It is the final 4th of the year, so I felt it was appropriate to show some love to Asha and her character designer, . She has a really cute art style too. If you'd like, give her a follow.

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For our first fan art tonight, we have a picture of Asha's blue Pepelogoo from the upcoming remake of Monster World IV by . This is his very first digital piece by the way!

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Today officially marks the 26th anniversary of Monster World 4! It is not only one of the best games on the Sega Genesis, but also of its kind. It was originally a Japanese exclusive, but never received an official release until nearly 20 years later.

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While several pieces managed to get into the project, there were a couple I will not add because the artist(s) are severely out of touch and/or unavailable. These are the two unused honorable mentions from "theropebaron" and "bb-penaz".

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Believe it or not, I do gain some inspiration from a lot of people across some sites. One of the biggest inspirations to allow Asha to change her shield color was from this image. Soul Calibur 5-6 are also a big inspirations.

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For those who have not played the original game, there will be a quick recap of the ending events of Monster World 4. The project takes place one year after it. Much is still being worked on, but I can confirm that game is 10-20 hours long.

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All works that are submitted will be featured in the gallery. One of the main ones that represents the game is below and was drawn by stupa13a.

If you know anyone that has a piece or would like to draw one for the game, let me know!

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Just some unused work of what the Shantae and Asha project was going to be named at first. Ever since I completed Monster World 4 back in 2012, I dreamed of making a fan made sequel to it. The project does follow this path, but only in spirit.

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As we are within the last 10% or so of the project's completion. I thought I'd share another four screens of things you'll be seeing along your journey. More updates are on the way very soon!

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